
JW Marriott Las Vegas

Days until Sweeper Summit 2025








Open to All Power Sweeping Industry Professionals

Open to All
Power Sweeping Industry Professionals


The International Sweeper Summit and Equipment Expo 2022 Title Sponsor


The International Sweeper Summit and Equipment Expo 2022 Title Sponsor

The International Sweeper Summit and Equipment Expo is proud to have Schwarze Industries as the 2022 Title Sponsor!

With more parking lot and street sweeper models to choose from than any other manufacturer, Schwarze Industries is the ideal company to sponsor this international conference and equipment expo dedicated specifically to the sweeping industry. Schwarze is dedicated to using a Total Performance Teamwork concept to produce, maintain and market the finest, most durable, quality power sweeping equipment in the world.

With models made specifically for parking area cleaning, mall and shopping center sweeping, industrial sweeping, milling cleanup, airport runway sweeping, street sweeping, and stormwater runoff (PM-10) management, Schwarze Industries offers one of the most comprehensive sweeper lines in the industry.

Whether you are investigating sweeping as a business opportunity for the first time, looking for a quality used street sweeper for sale or would like a bid on replacing your entire sweeper fleet, you can count on the Schwarze Industries team to meet your needs.

Schwarze M4 Cascade Street Sweeper

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